When you set up your round ups you choose a bank account, debit card, or credit card to monitor purchases from. Those purchases will then round up to the amount you choose and be withdrawn from your funding account. The monitoring account and funding account do not need to be the same account and you can change either of them at any time by following the instructions below
1. From your iPhone go to your justfly wallet.
2. Sign in using your phone number
3. Click on “Activity”
4. Select the carrot next to your Round-ups rule
5. Click the pencil icon
6. From this page, you can adjust your round-up amount, change the account we monitor for round-ups, or update the funding account used to deposit money into your savings wallet.
7. You will see a screen that lets you know it has been successfully updated.
8. Make sure everything looks good, and then click "done" to return to your wallet.
If you need any more assistance or have any questions, please email us at support@accruemoney.com or call us Toll-Free at 1(844)918-3672.