If you have a wallet with Accrue and have connected a bank account or debit card that is no longer open or that you do not want attached to your Accrue account anymore you can delete that anytime! Be aware that any funding from that payment method will be paused until you connect a new account to it. In order to continue to deposit money and get the highest amount of rewards possible be sure to connect a new account as soon as you are able. To delete a funding account follow the steps below
1. Sign in to your Accrue savings dashboard
2. Select the Wallet you want to adjust
3. Click on the settings gear icon
4. Click on "Payment options"
5. Hover your mouse over the payment method you would like to delete and then click the red trash can.
6. Click Confirm
7. To connect a new funding account follow the steps in one of these articles
How to link your debit card to your Accrue account
How to link your bank account to your Accrue account
If you need any further assistance or have any questions regarding connecting your payment information please email our team at support@accruemoney.com or you can call us toll free at 1(844)918-3672.