The easiest way to save and make sure you continue to get the highest amount of rewards possible for your deposits is to set a recurring schedule to make deposits. You can use a debit card or bank account and set an automatic weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly deposit into your wallet. You get to choose the amount and you can change or delete the schedule anytime. If you would like to set up your automatic deposits just follow the steps below!
1. Go to your Accrue Savings dashboard
2. You may either choose an existing wallet by clicking “View wallet” on the Savings Goal you want to save for or you may Add a new wallet by clicking “+ Add new wallet”.
3. Click on "Add funds". From your wallet's home page.
4. Click "Set and forget".
5. Enter the amount you would like to contribute for every deposit, you will see the rewards earned for each deposit. Then click the pencil icon to choose how often.
6. On this screen, you can choose how often to save by scrolling down on the frequency and day, and when to start. When you are done, click “Save”.
7. Check that the schedule is correct, and then select "Continue".
8. Select the funding account you want your automatic deposits withdrawn from, this can be one already listed or a new payment method. Then click "Continue".
9. You will see a confirmation screen telling you your automatic deposits are scheduled! Click Continue to return to your wallet.
If you have any other questions or still need help please email us at or call our toll free number at 1(844)918-3672