As you save up for your purchase or purchases with Accrue you earn rewards for every deposit you make. You can see your deposits, rewards, and the total amount of both in your wallet.
If you make a purchase for the full amount saved or for more than the amount saved, all rewards you have earned will be applied towards that purchase.
If you make a purchase for less than the full amount saved, rewards will be applied on a prorated basis.
For example: if you have a $500 balance including $400 in your deposits and $100 in earned rewards and you make a purchase for $250 (50% of total savings goal balance) You would use $200 in your deposits and $50 in rewards. The remaining balance would stay in your savings until you make another purchase or stop your savings.
The remainder of your deposits and rewards will remain in your account. The rewards do not expire and will remain in your wallet until you decide to close your wallet or make another purchase.
Have more questions?
You can email us at any time at and someone from our support team will be in touch.
You can also call 1-844-918-3672 if you prefer to speak to a representative.